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Dewadi, A. K.; Kumar, A.; Singh, R.K.; Ranjan, R., Singh, S.K.; Das, L. K. & Kumar, M. (2015). Low cost media and seed corm storage of elephant foot yam (Amarphophallus paeoniifolius) (2015) Progressive Research an International Journal : pp. 1524-1525 |
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Dewadi, A.K.; Singh, R. K,. Ranjan, R.; Kumar, A.; Singh, S. K.; Das, LK. & Kumar, M. (2015). Coheritability and predicted response to selection in Papaya (Carica papayal L.) (2015) progressive research an international journal: PP.1406-1408) |
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Dwivedi, A.K.; Kumar, Ashok; Ranjan, Rakesh; Singh, S. K.; Singh, R. K.; Das, L. K.; Prasad, Madhukar; Kumar, Shushil and Singh “Ratan”, R.P. (2015). Tomato Yield as affected by integrated nutrient management under farmers field conditions. Progressive Research an International Journal : (pp. 1105-1109). |
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Pandey, V.K,. Oraon, D,. Singh, R.K,. Kumar, S.K. and R. Ranja (2010). Socio economics analysis of agriculturally developed and under developed villages of Chatra District in Jharkhand. Environment & Ecology, 28 (IB) : 489-493. |
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Singh, R.K.; “Ratan” Singh, R. P.; Gupta, D. Das & Bara, N. (2009). Bio physical factors and farming systems of vegetable Growers in Mandar Block of Ranchi District, Journal of Research (BAU), 21 (1):63-74. |
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Singh, R. K.; Oraon, D.; “Ratan” Singh, R. P.; Gupta, Das D. & Bara, N. (2010). Impact of Technology Intervention of Vegetable Production on Farmers Acceptance and Profitability, Journal of Research (BAU),22 (1) :63-72. |
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Singh, R.K,. Dubey,. S.K,. Oraon, D,. Pandey, V.K,. Rai, V.P,. Singh, U.K. & Alam, Z. (2012). Overcoming low productivity and profitability in upland rice, pp 1584-1586. |
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Ranjan, Roy,. R, R.N,. Das, D,. Dubey, S,. and Singh, R.K. (2011). Enhancements of the survival percentage through prefilling dipping of growth regulators of litchi air layers cv purbi. Journal of Research (BAU) : Page No. 223-226 |
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Singh, R.K,. Dubey, S.K,. Oraon, D,. Pandey, V.K,. Rai, V.P,. Singh, U.K. & Alam, Z. (2011). Overcoming low productivity and enhancing profitability in wheat through phosphocompost: A farm participatory approach, pp. 207-212 |
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Singh, R. K.; Dubey, S. K.; “Ratan” Singh, R. P. & Das, D. Gupta (2013). Study the adoption and area expansion of intervent technology through OFT and VT under Mandar block of Ranchi district. Agricultural Update : pp. 336-342. |
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Singh, R.K.; Dubey, S. K,. “Ratan” Singh, R. P. & Das, D. Gupta. (2013). Attitude and opinion changed of farmers after involvement under technology assessment and refinement programme International Research Jounal of Agricultural Economics and Statistics : P.No. 124-130 |
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Singh, R.K,. Dubey, S.K,. Oraon, D,. “Ratan” Singh, R.P. & Bara, N. (2012). Impact of on campus training knowledge of practicing farmers imparted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) in Chatra district. Journal of Research (BAU) :pp. 185-189. |
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Singh, R.K.; Dubey, S.K,. “Ratan” Singh, R.P. & Das, D. Gupta (2010). Impact of KVK intervened technology on the farming community of Jharkhand. Journal of Extension Education : Page No. 133-141 |
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Singh, R. K.; Dubey, S. K,. “Ratan” Singh, R. P. & Das, D. Gupta. (2011). Knowledge gain by farmers during participation of technology assessment and refinement. Journal of Research (BAU) :pp. 59-66 |
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Singh, R. K,; Dubey, S. K., “Ratan” Singh, R. P. & Das, D. Gupta (2013). Farmers response towards technological interventions under assessment and refinement. Indian Journal of Extension Education. Vol. 49, No. 3 & 4 P.No. 40-45. |
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Singh, R.K,. Dubey, S.K,. Singh, R.K,. Singh, R.P. & Das, D. Gupta (2013) Studding the farmers response towards technology interventions under assessment and refinement. Journal of community Mobilization and sustainable development. Vol. 8, No 1, January-June, 2013 : PP. 29-35 |
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Singh, R.K,. Dubey, SK,. Oraon, D,. Rai, V.P,. Singh, U.K. & Alam, Z. (2013) Impact of training programmes on the gain in knowledge of farmers in Chatra district of Jharkhand, Journal of Krishi Vigyan Kendra.Vol. 3, Issue 2 :PP.59-61 |
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Singh, S.K,. Devedi, A.K,. Singh, R.K.; Ranjan, R,. Kumar, Kumar, A. M. (2015) Performance of some mango (Mangifera Indica L.) Collections of chotanagpur Region of Jharkhand for pickle purpose (2015) progressive research an international journal. : PP.1640-1641 |
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Singh, R.K.; Dewadi, A. K. & Singh, S. K. (2015). Inftuence of PGR on yield and quality of cape goodseberry (Physalis peruviana linn.)(2015) Progressive Research an International Journal: pp. 1558-1559 |
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Pandey V.K., Singh R.K., Oraon. D., Rai. V.P., Singh. U.K., Alam. Z & Ratan R.P. Singh; (2018). A study on womens involvement and their training needs in rice cultivation in Chatra district og Jharkhand India. International Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Vol. II Issue 1, : pp. 153-155 |
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Oraon, D., Singh, R.K., Pandey, V.K., Rai, V.P., Singh, U.K.,& Alam, Z.,: (2018) Extent of Adoption of Climate resilient technologies by Farmers in Adopted NICRA village of Chatra district in Jharkhand. (Accepted for publication in the Month of January 2019. Society of Krishi Vigyan |
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Singh, S.K., Oraon, D., Pandey, V.K., Rai, V.P., Singh, U.K., Alam, Z., & Singh, R.K.,: (2018) Constraints in adoption of improved Rice production technologies in Lohardaga District of Jharkhand. (Accepted for publication in the Month of January 2019. Society of Krishi Vigyan |
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Oraon, D., Singh, R.K., Pandey, V.K., Rai, V.P., Singh, U.K.,& Alam, Z.,: (2018) Constraints of Adoption of improved Tomato production Technologies in Chatra district of Jharkhand. (Accepted for publication in the Month of January 2019. Society of Krishi Vigyan |
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Oraon, D., Singh, R.K., Pandey, V.K., Rai, V.P., Singh, U.K.,& Alam, Z.,: (2018) Extent of Adoption of Climate Resilient Technologies in Adopted Villages of Chatra District in Jhakhrnd, J Krishi Vigyan 2018, 7(1) Pp 124-128 |